It is a diamond engagement ring forever? Who gets the ring if the relationship ends

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Busy is one of the highlights of the lives of many people. It 's the point where a pair of a desire to spend the rest of their life together and achieve common in the world devotion and dedication are recognized. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, that love can sour. Not only one in three marriages ends in divorce, but not many facts long enough to make it through marriage to stay in love.

In these circumstances, ownership of> Engagement Ring is probably the last thought on both sides into account. At some point down the line, after the powder is determined, the problem may also occur. When the division has not been done amicably then it can really end as a bone of serious contention. But at least in Britain, despite the emotions linked to the process of law in the ring holds the diamond engagement is clear.

Women can take them as they play through the law ofis considered an absolute gift, which became and remains the property name. "It 'with her, as they wish, can sell even if they want. The only exception to this rule is if the diamond solitaire engagement ring he gave marriage provided. This means that at the time of exchange, man has made clear, implicitly or explicitly, that the ring should be kept only held her wedding, a Decision, which was found in the case of David Jacobs, V (1917).

This tradition of keeping the ring concept was originally identified as a symbol of financial compensation, but then all romantic. Before 1930 it was common for women in a position to "breach of your promise" if the marriage took place after a fight. This is because women were still pending at the time of marriage pure. However, many could enjoy sexual relations during the> Engagement, because it was deemed safe. If a man be saved from marriage, the woman could be perceived as "damaged goods" and was for this reason that the financial penalty was applied.

After this period, the courts have begun to phase out this sentence, she tried something else to demonstrate that the commitment was real. This is when the sale of diamond engagement rings began to really take off because it was considered a worthy substitute. Fortunately,Today, the roles of men and women become equalized as the ring is capable of much original icon back from her romantic status.

For couples who are now the best place for them to see a large number of rings is the Internet. Here you can find a range of engagement rings and all sorts of different road engagement ring diamond settings and styles at prices up to 60 percent of respondents at the top.