Complete text of the description and the steps in this how-to videos. Howcast Check out more videos for do-it-yourself and more of Stabbey Video category Rings and suggestions. You can also make a contribution! Build your own DIY Guide or produce your own commercials with director Howcast Howcast program to ask someone to marry you is hopefully an event of a once-in-a-lifetime . So make sure you do it correctly. To finish this how-to, you must:Thoughtfulness preparation inspiration in Ring A romantic restaurant Step 1: Think about your intention. She is shy or outgoing? Traditional or modern? Deeply private exhibitionist or borderline? Would have touched, if you're her father for her hand in marriage or offended? Step 2: Customize think like you do in person, anyone can propose that it is appropriate, or report. Tip: You can not go wrong the idea of a romantic restaurant in aDinner by candlelight, according to a survey. Step 3: Surprise, suggest, if not expected. Ninety percent of women surveyed said they want to be surprised, because that makes a memorable engagement. Tip: If you are awaiting a proposal for a holiday, like Valentine's Day or Christmas, which used to be a day or two. Step 4: Do not Give overplan make thoughts, especially now that you can not create, but in such a complicated scenario that they all fall apart when something goeswrong. Step 5 ...